A Note from A Friend

I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any comment: I parked at a garage near my hotel at the Riverwalk in San Antonio. It was credit card in, so I swiped my credit card....

A Parking Newbie

I was looking back at some blog posts from 20 years ago and found this one fit today as well as at the turn of the century. I got this from a correspondent today: I moved to the Texas in March 2005 and started working in parking. Like you, I have a journalism...

Look Out The Window

If there is any advice I can give it’s concerning the passing scene. “Look out the window.” Rather than listen to CNN or the New York Times, simply believe your eyes. If you are concerned about bike lanes, look at the bike lanes near you and see just how many bikes...

Global Warming – Wind Chill -83F

My sister in law lives in Edmonton, Alberta. She is visiting and reported that the wind chill in her home town is -83 degrees. The weather bomb cyclone that hit as far south as northern Louisiana is bringing extreme cold, snow, and windstorms. So what, one might say....

Are We As An Industry Listening?

I read in the industry news that we should be focusing on electrification of vehicles and become a charging station for EVs since in six years they will be taking over and we will be the place to charge them outside the home. But wait. The major suppliers of EVs have...